Saturday, June 30, 2007

A New Start

We started this blog a couple of years ago, with the thought in mind of using it to help parents who were struggling with their older adopted children. Well, at least that was my husband's purpose. I stubbornly wanted to hold out and put our thoughts into a well written book format, but somehow that has just not happened. God has not provided the time or energy for that to take place. And, I am certain there is a lesson for me to learn here. I think it starts with the letter "s" and ends with "ubmission". Gulp.

So, I have moved my most recent posts to a new blog, where I can post my own personal updates, musings, and meditations as the Lord leads. I will attempt to return this blog to its original purpose - to post articles which may help parents who need help with their adopted children. Some personal posts will remain on here, in order to allow others a peak into our little family.

If you would like to visit my new blog, please go to I have copied my most recent posts on that blog, although I regret that I could not move the comments over.

Write on!!

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