Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Modern Day Prophets (or is That Profits)

The Pyromaniac has been trying to have a discussion regarding the clear lack of reliability of modern day prophets. This has created a firestorm of people trying to justify that the sign gifts really are for today. While I would classify myself as a hesitant cessationist (I find the argument for cessationism less than 100% convincing), there is one part of this discussion that simply flabbergasts me. That is the people that attempt to justify a success rate of 2/3 as being God given prophecy.

First, I see little exegetical evidence to sustain anything other than the 100% success rate demanded of the old testament prophets, assuming that the gift has not totally ceased. Given the vauge nature of most of these prophecies, someone with a good understanding of the times and the way the world works should be able to achieve a rate of 2/3. Are we then going to say that God cannot provide these “prophets” with better information than that?

In fact, I would recommend that someone try their hand at it and we will compare your success rate to theirs. Any takers? I’ll start:

There will be a major earthquake in Asia next year.

Of course there is in most years, but don’t pay any attention to that.

1 comment:

Stephen Morse said...

I'll take you up on that...
After the next presidential election we will have a new leader of our nation!
I'll do one better...
If tomorrow comes then the sun will rise in the east and set in the west!
How about this one...
I will still be a male on Saturday afternoon!
Yeah... I know... that's why I make the big bucks!