Monday, November 28, 2005

Where Do We Blog From Here?

James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (NKJ)

The word translated “to visit” has the sense of being actively involved in the overseeing of orphans and widow.  This is what James calls “Pure and undefiled religion.”

I have been thinking about what my role in the blogosphere is to be.  I am not a great theologian, apologist or pastor.  Rather than being a front line guy in the great spiritual battle of the day, I am more the guy holding the pack camels still so that the troops can have supplies.  I may be able add a little here or there to the battle, but I am not a front line warrior.

So what is my purpose here?  God has given me a work, the caring of eight former orphans along with three biological children.  He has taught Sheshe and I a number of things regarding adopting older children that might be a benefit to others.  And, I hope, he has been glorified in the fact that such nothings as us could do something that most people consider impossible.  We are such nothings that it should be clear that it is Him doing it and not us.

So with that in mind, I am setting out on defining the purpose of this blog:

  1. To glorify God in telling the story of what he has done in our lives.

  2. To encourage others to live out a James 1:27 style pure and undefiled religion, by showing them that if we can do it anyone can, by God’s grace.

  3. To teach the principles we have found in God’s Word that are helpful for raising adopted children in particular older ones.

  4. Occasional random, usually sarcastic or humorous thoughts that may come to mind.

1 comment:

Bob Edwards said...


I will try to post on that in the near future.