Thursday, November 17, 2005


One day I was out in a boat with the twelve (my wife and the eleven kids) when a storm came up. Seeing the ship starting to flounder and the panicked look on the faces of the twelve, I said "What would Jesus do?" Of course, remembering a story from Sunday School, I did exactly what Jesus did in a similar situation, I stood up in the bow of the boat and rebuked the waves. Suddenly a large wave crashed over the bow knocking me into the water and nearly swamping the boat. A couple of the kids held onto me and I was able to finally climb back into the boat. From then on I simply prayed that God would keep us through the storm.

The moral of this story is that sometimes it is not profitable to ponder what the Sovereign King of All Creation would do in a situation, but to ponder what He would have me do. Maybe we should change it to WWJHMD (What Would Jesus Have Me Do?).

Note: No animals were harmed in the making of this story. Except the tasty ones we ate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great example, I totally agree. WWJHMD.