Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The ongoing cost of adoption

In my earlier post I discussed how an adoption can be done more cheaply than most people realize. Today I would like to discuss the ongoing costs involved in adoption.

Basically, the ongoing cost of an adopted child is the same as any child. Though, if you adopt a child with medical or other problems, these may involve more costs.

Some of this cost will be defrayed by the government allowing you to keep more of your money through tax credits and deductions, but that still leaves money that has to come from somewhere. So where does it come from?


In the Book of Deuteronomy we have the following passage:

Deut 24:19-21
When you reap your harvest in your field, and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.When you beat your olive trees, you shall not go over the boughs again; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not glean it afterward; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.

One of the ways God provided for the fatherless (orphans) was to tell His people not to be greedy and take every last thing God had provided them for their own use. They were to leave some for the ophans, widows, and strangers.

One way then then to apply that in our lives is to recognize that we should sacrifice some of what we have to help such as these. Let's discuss some practical ways that could be done.

With the way we manage our groceries, it costs about $25/week per child. This is dinner for two at a moderately priced resturant. You can give that up.

You can buy some of your clothes at consigment shops or thrift stores instead of Walmart or the mall.

You can not go to a movie once a month?

You can buy a used instead of a new car?

You can give up cable TV and read books from the library.

You can give up these and many other things that are insignificant when you compare them to the plight of child living in an orphanage in a third world company.

Why would you do these things. Well, if you are like me, you would do them because you know that your Lord cares for these little ones. And that he came and gave His life on a cross to pay the pentlty for your sins. Because that is real sacrifice, and at the least, you ought to be able to give up some of your comforts to help another.


Anonymous said...

How about instead of fine furniture "Early American Curbside" or garage sale thrift store.
You didn't mention that instead of your biological children having horseback riding lession you gave her the opportunity to help a child without a home to have one thereby giving her to opportunity to sacrifice.
Or another to take violin lessons.

ramona said...

And both of those are wonderful examples of how God provides. We have literally picked up furniture off the curbside to use in our home. Not broken down, falling apart furniture, but rather stuff that we are not ashamed to have where folks will actually SEE it

Also, God provided a wonderful opportunity for our daughter who loves horses to spend time around them. In our last neighborhood (in the country) our neighbors had horses and loved for us to spend time with them. Tessa was allowed into the pens, as she helped groom them and take care of them. She also got to the point of being able to ride them whenever she wished (well, when Mom allowed). All at no cost to us, and even serving as a help to our neighbors. She had the opportunity to bottle feed a newborn draft horse, too, throughout the long, cold nights, after his mother died.

Still waiting for violin lessons, but we know God will provide if it is something we need. ;-)