Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Winding up

In this series of posts ((1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)) we discussed why we beleive that homeschooling is the best educational choice for older adopted foreign children. Each of these children has unique educational needs based on age at adoption, original culture, language, and prior family background. Thus their cirriculum needs to be highly tailored to reflect this. Traditional schools by their nature cannot handle such a idividualized course of study.

In addition, these children need time to bond with family, absorb the new culture and language. They also need to heal from any damage done by parental negect or abuse or from institutionalization. And this needs to be done in the safety of the home and prior to putting them into the social and relational interations they will find in the broader world. Homeschooling, by allowing the parents to control the pace, allows them to give the child this time.

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